I was browsing around the Etsy forums, and I was so lucky as to stumble upon a thread talking about Brick and Mortar stores. The thread was started by iheartnorwegianwood (www.iheartnorwegianwood.etsy.com) and listed a few brick and mortar stores that she knew of in her area that had consignment opportunities. She invited other forum members to share stores in their area that took consignment, or stores that their items were currently being sold at. She got an enormous following~ the thread grew to 11 pages! Later on, she drew up a master list of all the shops that were mentioned in that thread and posted another thread in the forums. This is the link to the thread:
I jumped at the opportunity to explore boutiques across the country. I looked on many of their websites, and even e-mailed a few of them, telling them about myself and my shop, and sending them images of my work. This really made my day, as I feel like I have accomplished something for my small business. It's better to try and put yourself out there, even if you are rejected, than to have never been seen at all. I've been hearing more and more about how even though Etsy is wonderful, it should not be your cole venue. To have my wares in any stores across the country would be a dream come true!
Stayman Winesap Apple Crumble (Jumbo) Muffins
3 months ago
I'm going to check that link out! Thanks for posting such great info!
I'm going to check this link out too! I have some limited experience with consignment, and have found that often you only need to ask. Also, for me, nothing will sell for months and then just the right customer will walk in and buy several of your items. It's good for local exposure, in any case.
that sounds cool! yea, business is sooooo hard... its all in the marketing!
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